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April Showers Bring….Floods!

April Showers bring....floods! - Person Standing in Flood Water Wearing Yellow Rain Boots Copy

“April Showers Bring May Flowers”– You’ve heard that charming saying year after year as we bid farewell to Winter and welcome the rainy season of Spring. Those “April Showers” do much more than provide beneficial rain to our gardens; they can also create unexpected and costly flooding. Did you know that homeowner’s and renter’s policies DO NOT cover flooding? Sadly, many find that out the hard way. Floods are by definition the overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, and, while we may think of flooding as only occurring near rivers and dams, this could not be further from the truth!

As the #1 natural disaster in the world, flooding is involved in 90% of all the natural disasters that take place in the United States! Flooding can affect just about anyone (anywhere) but many people opt out of valuable flood insurance. Why? Unfortunately, for many, the dangers of flooding seem like something that would never happen to them. Just because your home is inland does not mean you are safe from the devastating damage that flooding can cause. Snow and ice melting, poor drainage systems, sudden downpours, broken water mains, and nearby streams can pose a very real threat to your property. Did you know that just a few inches of water could cost you thousands in repairs? Without additional coverage, the cost to recover can be overwhelming.

With two types of insurable property, there is a lot to consider when it comes to protection against floods. Building coverage includes the building, foundation, furnaces, water heaters, electrical and plumbing systems, and even built-in appliances (such as dishwashers). Contents coverage includes items such as clothing, furniture, portable appliances, and even curtains!

Need another reason to re-think flood insurance? Climate change and glacial melting are reshaping the future of flooding with more extreme weather and a rise in sea levels. Meaning, you might not have been in a flood zone before, but now you might be! By checking out a flood map, you can see if you are in a flood zone. You might be surprised to find some bodies of water not too far from you!